There seems to be a stigma that the purpose of having a massage is to pamper yourself. While a person may feel pampered during their massage, there are many legitimate reasons to have a massage.
- Let’s start with an obvious one–it reduces muscle tension. Whether you are have muscle tension from stress, repetitive movements, an athletic injury or a car accident, massage can loosen up your muscle fibers and release the tension.
- Massage can reduce or eliminate pain. While it may feel good to roll on a foam roller, or have your partner rub a tennis ball on your muscle knots, it cannot compete with pain relief that a licensed massage therapist can provide. Massage therapists are trained look at specific muscles and pressure points that coordinate with your described pain patterns.
- It can improve your athletic performance. Many athletes gets regular treatment both before and after competitions. Those that don’t compete,but are serious about their workouts often come in on a regular basis to prevent injury.
- It can boost your immune system. When your muscle has a “knot,” the blood flow is restricted to that particular area. This means that your cells that fight off infection aren’t necessarily getting to all of the places they need to go. By releasing the tension, your blood flow is restored, therefore improving your body’s odds to fight off illness.
- It can boost your mood. Here at Ideal Chiropractic & Therapeutic Massage, we add essential oils to your massage for free! Specific oils along with a massage can greatly improve your mood and motivation.
- Pregnancy. Expectant moms get a special treat at our office–they get to lay on their stomach! Massage is a great tool to help mom be more comfortable throughout her pregnancy.
- You have a specific ailment or injury. Massage is not just for neck and back pain. Other reasons people seek out massage therapy include headaches, arthritis, fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome, plantar fascitis, or tennis elbow to name a few.
Ideal Chiropractic & Therapeutic Massage offers appointments Monday through Saturday with later evening appointments also available. For more information or to schedule a massage, call the office at 907-1700.