Dr. Jessica has just completed and got her certification in functional medicine!
What does this mean besides extra letters at the end of her name?
Functional medicine is looking at your whole picture of health to find what is causing your symptoms instead of just taking a pill.
Here is a common example: Dr. Jessica sees many women with irregular periods, painful periods, and hormonal acne. What would traditional medicine do? Put you on birth control. Did that really find out what was causing your symptoms? No. Will your symptoms more than likely return after you go off the pill? Yes.
One test Dr. Jessica is starting to incorporate in her practice is the DUTCH test (dried urine test for comprehensive hormones). This is an at-home test that gives a great deal of information about what may be the root cause of your issues.
Interested in learning more? You can contact us at 920-907-1700 or idealchiropracticfdl@gmail.com.